Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Blog 7- The Beast Hunt (Roger)

We all had set out on trying to find the beast, but Jack found some pig droppings and we set forth (still trying to find the beast) looking for the pig. When we found it, the pig charged us and Ralph threw his spear barely hitting the pig. Unfortunately, we were trying to hunt it covertly, but it got away. It was still very entertaining. I love going hunting, there is always something to do when we do. When it was all over Jack showed us a bloodied arm and said it was the pig that had hurt him. We were all so pumped up that we started a game. We were chanting and hit a pig with our spears... it turns out that the pig was just a small boy named Robert. We must have nearly killed him before we all remembered it was a game. It was a a big blundering mess. Soon after we decided to go find the beast again, but it would be very late when we returned to the beach, so Simon went back to tell Piggy and the littluns. Me, Ralph, and Jack kept going and headed up the mountain where Jack had us wait and he went up the mountain to look for the beast. I was wondering why Ralph had even come. He wasn't much of a leader anyway. He was always trying to act sagely. Ralph was always sniveling, like "we should wait till morning." The amount of times Ralph has infuriated me is infinite. Jack came back breathless saying he had seen the beast and it was moving..... Me and Ralph went up to check. We saw the beast moving up and down, like an ape or something. There was this noise too, I can't explain it though. All I really remember, is me, Ralph, and Jack running as fast as we could back to the beach. When we got to the beach, all I have to say is Ralph and Jack were uncompromising. All they could do was argue. I don't know why Ralph is leader I think Jack should just push Ralph out of the way and we all would be happier.

1 comment:

Leyla said...

Here are a couple sentences I found amusing and good.

"Jack found some pig droppings"

Comment: Lol... once I read this sentence my attention was fully on the prompt you wrote.

"Ralph was always sniveling, like "we should wait till morning.'"

comment: I dunno much about sniviling but he certainly was complaining. Hes always so nobel and not complaining in the book. Its nice to read something different on him.

Good work, but you didn't have to give a WHOLE summary on the chapter. Its good but. Well i dunno It could be even better if you added a certain paragraph on Rogers thoughts on the most describitve thing. Something we could really tell what type of person he was.

I liked how you blended the vocab words in so well, It seems like you actually just added in the words with out it having to be manditory.


