Monday, March 10, 2008

Blog 12- Trial Of Jack Merridew (Jury Essay)

Jury Qualifications
It's not just being selected for jury duty, there are some qualifications you need. You must not know any of the people involved in the case. Also you may not have a criminal record. If you know to much about the case and you have formed a bias opinion then you are excused from the jury. Some other things are if the judge or either of the attorneys feel you will have a bias opinion about the case they may excuse you. You need to be honest because if your not and you do know about the case and have already formed an opinion then it becomes an unfair trial.
The Basics to being a Juror
There are many basics the evidence,to being a juror, but what you really need to know is the steps you go through. First you should recieve a letter requesting your services as a juror. If you need to you may give an excuse, but it must be a true excuse. Second you are brought into court for questioning. These questions are from the judge, prosecuting attorney, and defense attorney. You also may be asked for some information about yourself, for the judge and attorneys to get a better idea of your standing in the case. Third you would be either excused from the case or you would become one of the cases jurors. Forth you would be in the court listening to the trial. If you serve in this trial, you won't be called for jury duty again untill 12 months later. In this trial you will need to listen close to witness testimonies, and the attorneys facts. You need to take all this into consideration, for you will be making a desicion based on these facts. Fifth you would go into a private room with all the other jurors and deliberate about the case and your desicions. This step is called jury deliberation. Sixth you will go back to the court room and present your verdict. This will decide if the defense is guilty or innocent.
The Excuses for getting out of Jury Service
Serving on a jury is very important, but sometimes you can't. There are many reasons why you can be excused from jury duty, and these are some of them. Work or family comitments that don't allow you to be a juror, travling or work outside of the country, if you are over 70 years old, if you are under 18 years old, if you work as an attorney, dentist, physician, or registered nurse, if you do not have a car and cannot use public trasportaion, if you are a volunteer firefighter, rescuse squad, or ambulance crew member, if you are obviously a bigot, raciast, or unsuitable in other ways.
Jury Selection
To be selected for the jury you must not have a criminal record. you can be selected from any where in your county. You also need to be un-bias, you may not have an already formed idea or opinion of this case. You may not know anyone involved in the case includeing attorneys, the defendant, the prosecutors, ect. Before or during the trial you may not talk to anyone ivloved with the case or research anything about the case.
Jury Duties During the Trial
During the trial you may not speak, your duties are to pay close attention the the information being presented. You also take notes on the evidence presented to you. Jury duty is a big responsablilty, because you are deciding an outcome of a trial. Also you are showing how much we need the U.S. costitution to maintain our legal system.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Blog 14- revision of "Blog 10- Which one?

"Yeah Sam?"
"Remember how-"
"-this started? Yes I do,"
"All because Jack-"
"-Stole Piggy's glasses,"
"and then-"
"- We had no signal fire,"
"That was no-""-Fun,"
"Yeah,""Why did we-"
"-have to go to-"
"-castle rock to get-"
"-Piggy's glasses back,"
" I don't know,"
"Maybe we should have dressed up to look professional,"
"If we did maybe-"
"-Ralph and Jack wouldn't of fought,"
" Nomatter what though-"
"-Piggy would of-"
"-Tried to get his-"
"-glasses back,"
"And if he didn't-"
"-he might not be-"
"Jack is a very-"
"-mean boy and so is-"
" They made us-"
"join their tribe, I know. I -"
"-hate myself for-"
"The inly thing that made us-"
"-join was-"
"- the torture-"
"- the beatings were so-"
"-harsh, yes they were,"
"Yeah, I hope-"
"-Ralph is-"
"-Alright, me too,"
"Maybe they won't-"
"-find him, they-"
"-will, I know,"
We stood there standing guard on the tower-like thing while everyone else feasted, then we heard some one whispering our names.

Blog 13- Revision of "Blog 11- Those Silly Kids"

I was walking on the beach; on this island we had seen some smoke. I wonder who's here. As I looked up and saw the trees burning, I visualized adults maybe trying to kill a mountain lion or something. I had also heard some ululation... Of course I was wrong and as I came back from my imagination I saw a young boy heave himself out of the forest and onto the sand. He saw me and we talked. Soon after, when other boys came out, he told me that he was leader. When I asked how many boys there were on the island he said he didn't know. I was surprised and asked if there had been and deaths. I was expecting an answer of "None sir," But I was wrong again, the boy who I now knew as Ralph said "two,"I was very appalled. Ralph started to cower and I knew it was no use trying to get information now. Though I wish he would have elaborated more on his experience on the island. I could learn more later, on the way home. Those silly kids.

On the ship all the boys seemed to be crying, but they were all happy to be going home. I couldn't imagine this happening to me when I was their age.....

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Blog 7- The Beast Hunt (Roger)

We all had set out on trying to find the beast, but Jack found some pig droppings and we set forth (still trying to find the beast) looking for the pig. When we found it, the pig charged us and Ralph threw his spear barely hitting the pig. Unfortunately, we were trying to hunt it covertly, but it got away. It was still very entertaining. I love going hunting, there is always something to do when we do. When it was all over Jack showed us a bloodied arm and said it was the pig that had hurt him. We were all so pumped up that we started a game. We were chanting and hit a pig with our spears... it turns out that the pig was just a small boy named Robert. We must have nearly killed him before we all remembered it was a game. It was a a big blundering mess. Soon after we decided to go find the beast again, but it would be very late when we returned to the beach, so Simon went back to tell Piggy and the littluns. Me, Ralph, and Jack kept going and headed up the mountain where Jack had us wait and he went up the mountain to look for the beast. I was wondering why Ralph had even come. He wasn't much of a leader anyway. He was always trying to act sagely. Ralph was always sniveling, like "we should wait till morning." The amount of times Ralph has infuriated me is infinite. Jack came back breathless saying he had seen the beast and it was moving..... Me and Ralph went up to check. We saw the beast moving up and down, like an ape or something. There was this noise too, I can't explain it though. All I really remember, is me, Ralph, and Jack running as fast as we could back to the beach. When we got to the beach, all I have to say is Ralph and Jack were uncompromising. All they could do was argue. I don't know why Ralph is leader I think Jack should just push Ralph out of the way and we all would be happier.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Blog quest- The Leaders song

Click to listen to the song

The leaders

Ralph he is our leader
Tries to get us rescued
But Jack won’t let him
Help our tribe out

Ralph he is our leader
Keeps the fire burning
When it goes out
We all scream and shout

Ralph he is our leader
He is our king
Jack tries to steal that
From him all the time

Jack he is our leader
He stole it from Ralph
Likes to hunt pigs
We all eat meat now

Who will rule the island
When will we be rescued
Will the beast - come
get me or not

Blog 11- Those silly kids (Naval officer)

I was walking on the beach; on this island we had seen some smoke. I wonder who's here. As I looked up and saw the trees burning, I visualized adults maybe trying to kill a mountain lion or something. I had also heard some ululation... Of course I was wrong and as I came back from my imagination I saw a young boy heave himself out of the forest and onto the sand. He saw me and we talked. Soon after, when other boys came out, he told me that he was leader. When I asked how many boys there were on the island he said he didn't know. I was surprised and asked if there had been and deaths. I was expecting an answer of "None sir," But I was wrong again, the boy who I now knew as Ralph said "two,"
I was very appalled. Ralph started to cower and I knew it was no use trying to get information now. Though I wish he would have elaborated more on his experience on the island. I could learn more later, on the way home. Those silly kids.....

Blog 10- Which one? (Sam n' Eric)

"Yeah Sam?"
"Remember how-"
"-this started? Yes I do,"
"All because Jack-"
"-Stole Piggy's glasses,"
"and then-"
"- We had no signal fire,"
"That was no-"
"Why did we-"
"-have to go to-"
"-castle rock to get-"
"-Piggy's glasses back,"
" I don't know,"
"Maybe we should have dressed up-"
"-to look professional,"
"If we did maybe-"
"-Ralph and Jack wouldn't of-"
" Nomatter what though-"
"-Piggy would of-"
"-Tried to get his-"
"-glasses back,"
"And if he didn't-"
"-he might not be-"
"Jack is a very-"
"-mean boy and so is-"
" They made us-"
"join their tribe, I know. I -"
"-hate myself for-"
"Yeah, I hope-"
"-Ralph is-"
"-Alright, me too,"
"Maybe they won't-"
"-find him, they-"
"-will, I know,"
We stood there standing guard on the tower-like thing while everyone else feasted, then we heard some one whispering our names.